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Lincs Inspire project 'pushing the boundaries' across the County

Lincs Inspire is focused on inspiring local people to achieve their aspirations, develop new skills, keep active, meet people and have fun. The project across North East Lincolnshire and their disability sports programme, Inspiring Lives, is proving a real success. 

The project, funded through Sport England's Inclusive Sport programme was born out of the success of London 2012 and the area's very own Disability Games. Inspiring Lives brings together Lincs Inspire's sports and leisure services making them inclusive for all. It helps those with any impairment to more easily participate in sport and fitness safely.

The physical, mental and social benefit of the sessions is clear for all to see. Pat Rowley, a carer, is a regular at the sessions:

“All the staff seem to be very well informed about people with disabilities. They think very carefully about what they're doing with everybody. I think you could go all the way across the country and set this as an example of how it should be done. Everybody that comes in enjoys it! The staff are so helpful and supportive that I, myself as a carer learn as I'm going along, so it benefits me as well as the people who come to use it.”

Working closely in partnership with Care Plus Group and the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, Lincs Inspire deliver a number of weekly activities across their centres for disabled people and the activities. They are proving extremely popular with all involved.

The Inspiring Lives programme has been well attended with 615 individual users making use of the various sessions and events between September 2014 and June 2015. The sessions offer a wide variety of inclusive activities, such as a fully inclusive gym session, adapted cycles, rebound therapy, arts and crafts and toning therapy. The programme also offers disability swimming, ice skating and athletics sessions as well as taster days.

Rob Allison, Operations Manager for Lincs Inspire, said:

“Our weekly multi-sport sessions bring the whole centre alive with all the activity and laughter that goes on. To see and hear some of the participants taking part, especially during the trampolining session, is such a wonderful and humbling experience.”

Sue Over, Adult Learning Disability Physiotherapist, said:

“The key thing that we have got right in North East Lincolnshire is that we have got therapists working alongside leisure centre staff. As therapists we've got handling skills, knowledge of the conditions and the confidence to try things without the fear of hurting somebody. The leisure centre has got the man power, the venue, the fantastic equipment and also the staff are willing to learn. We've been able to put on training for all staff to cover communication, moving and handling and disability awareness which has really added to the whole experience.”

The Disability Sports Taster days also offer the opportunity to try out a variety of sports such as table tennis, table cricket, wheelchair handball, seated volleyball, goalball, badminton and much more.

“The programme's about getting people active and giving people with disabilities the opportunity to try new things. We have to adapt everything and make it possible. I think we've actually pushed the boundaries with that.”

For more information on Lincs Inspire's disability activities and services visit: