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Cricket profiling course for physiotherapists

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) will be running a profilers course for Physiotherapists at Loughborough University over the weekend of 17 and 18 October. Limited places are available for anyone who may be interested in attending.

The system called ‘The Profiling System’ has been adopted by the ECB and is used by and continually developed by the English Federation for Disability Sport and is used by a large number of other sports’ governing bodies.

The outcome of the course will mean that newly qualified profilers will be able to carry out cricket classifications and will need to be able to commit to around three sessions per year.

The weekend will comprise of the course on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 October with accommodation and meals throughout the weekend. Accommodation availability from Friday 16 October.

All costs are covered for the weekend.

If you are interested please email for full details.