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Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training “opens minds” to adapted sport

An experience tutor has described Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training as a workshop that “opens minds” to the possibilities of adapted sport.

Phil Knappett, a lead tutor for sports coach UK, has been training others in sports delivery for over 20 years.

And he told the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) that Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training, part of Active Kids for All, is a dynamic, participatory and educational programme suitable for a wide variety of people:

“The best thing about Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is that it’s practical. Most three-hour courses are in a classroom, whereas this is participatory all the time.

“People who attend want to get involved and have a go themselves, see what’s possible and learn how to deliver adapted sport in a completely fresh and innovative way.”

Phil, who estimates he has taught a workshop a month in 2015, described would be best suited to the training:

“It’s all about thinking how to adapt certain games for people with a wide variety of impairments.”

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is supported by £1 million of National Lottery funding from Sport England. This programme continues the momentum and creates a lasting legacy for disabled people after the London 2012 Games.

This initiative is being delivered through EFDS and sports coach UK.

Experienced tutor Phil Knappett says he regularly receives positive feedback about the workshops he delivers:

“A recent group in Maidstone gave me some really positive views. Often people will stay behind afterwards and admit to me that they had been sent along because somebody else thought they should do it, but it’s really opened their eyes.

“That is feedback that is absolutely priceless.”

While Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is practical and participatory, Phil is clear that those who might feel daunted by the prospect are not excluded:

“Bring an open mindset to the workshop. You don’t need to prepare beforehand, but be open to thinking outside the box in terms of learning how to adapt or modify a wide variety of sports and activities to make them more inclusive.

“For anybody who has any doubts about participating, I’d encourage you to come along and observe, and just take part where you can. I’ve never had anyone attend who hasn’t ended up joining in.”

Over 2,500 people have enjoyed Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training since its introduction, benefitting from the three-hour practical workshop supplemented by online resources. You could be next.

For further information, please contact EFDS, email or telephone 01509 227751. Find us on Twitter @Eng_Dis_Sport, Facebook and LinkedIn.