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Nottingham Children and Young People benefit from new table tennis facilities

Back in October 2015, Table Tennis England worked with the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) to launch a table grant scheme, aimed at giving disabled people more opportunity to play table tennis.

To celebrate the launch Table Tennis England offered organisations the chance to win an indoor table tennis table.

Nottingham Children and Young People (Notts CYP) were crowned the competition winners after submitting a superb application demonstrating how they use table tennis to encourage inclusivity within their club. 

The table has added to their collection and has enabled greater participation. The club uses all of their tables to support players with different abilities.

Lisa Barker, Chief Executive Notts CYP, said:

“We support all young people to have a go and also have polybat sets to involve people with specific disabilities.”

Notts CYP noted that the young people at the club find table tennis easy to learn as it is a fun and interactive sport.

In fact, parents have also been participating  - some have even received coaching tips from their children!

To find out more information about the scheme visit the website.