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London Marathon: 25 EFDS fundraisers begin final countdown

The Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 takes place on Sunday 24 April, and this year the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) will have 25 runners pounding the streets.

This year’s team are once again a variety of experienced and novice marathon runners. Among the line-up are 16 runners from Staffordshire all teaming up to conquer the race and three runners from Team Pudsey in Leeds who include seasoned runner and EFDS fundraiser Jayne Greensill.

Ahead of the weekend, Jayne told EFDS:

“Last year I ran for EFDS with a friend and this year I have roped in another two. EFDS work hard to ensure disabled people have opportunities in sport and I strongly believe that this matters. I will be proud to be wearing my running vest on the day.”

Marathon man Phil Williams, who has already completed three of his four marathon challenges over the last month, is raring to go.

He told EFDS:

“I feel that a positive view is a way of life which I am lucky to have, and EFDS and all associated with the charity hold this same view. That makes us all the same and underpins what I am doing with my so-called 'Foolish April'!
"The culmination of my challenge is the London Marathon which I have tried to enter for nearly 28 years but have failed until now.
"I suppose that never giving up on my dream has paid off and I am happy to raise funds for and awareness of the English Federation of Disability Sport.”

Seasoned runner John Somerville will be taking on his fourth marathon for EFDS, alongside first time runner Pritpal Dale running in memory of his late father.

We wish all our brave and hardy marathon runners the very best of luck and will be by their side the whole way round.

A team of not only runners but dedicated fundraisers who will be ready to create lasting memories as they stand on the start line of the mighty London Marathon.

For more information on the London Marathon, visit the official websiteor follow on social media. Find out more about fundraising for EFDS on our website.