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New magazine OnTrack is out!

OnTrack is a new magazine on sports and exercise for disabled people and the first edition is out now! The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) is delighted to support the UK’s latest publication for people of all ages and abilities.

On track magazine cover

OnTrack magazine aims to bring readers an insight into the world of accessible sport from grass roots to the podium. Whatever your age or ability, whether you are looking for a hobby or you aspire to be the next Hannah Cockroft or Jonnie Peacock, there is a sport for you and a club to support you.

Every issue of OnTrack will focus on a variety of individual and team sports that you can get involved in, what they offer in terms of fitness, competition and a social aspect. Get more advice and tips on being active and where you can start.

They will feature interviews with those who enjoy being active, news on all of the major calendar sporting events, and industry insights into all the latest sporting equipment.

How often is it published?

OnTrack is a bi-monthly (every two months) magazine, published and distributed in the first week of the following months throughout the year:

February, April, June, August, October, December.

Where is the magazine distributed?

OnTrack will be available on a subscription basis, free of charge and delivery straight to your door to all disabled people.

In addition to this, you will find us being distributed to specialist schools, charities, clubs and organisations and will be present at all major sporting events taking place throughout the UK.

Want to get involved?

They would love to hear from the readers and are always looking for fresh editorial to shape OnTrackMagazine. If you would like to contact them with any ideas or stories for future issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing

Want to advertise?

If you have a product or service that you would like to promote to a targeted, niche-market audience, you can OnTrack magazine website.

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