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EFDS and CAE resource commended at APPG for Young Disabled People

The Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) was commended for their work on the English Federation of Disability Sport resource- ‘Access for All: Opening Doors’ publication. CAE Access and Sustainability Advisor Kathryn Aedy was amongst a high profile panel at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Young Disabled People on 26 October, where young disabled sports fans joined MPs and Peers to discuss how access to spectator sports and stadia could be improved.

Access for all front cover

Chaired by Heidi Allen MP, the group including Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and former Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP, heard passionate arguments for every club to provide a Changing Places toilet from Mike Le-Surf, details of the current state of play from Ruth Hopkins from Level Playing Field, and commitments that access is at the top of the agenda from the clubs and venues present.

Alongside representatives from the Premier League, Silverstone Circuit, Wimbledon Tennis and Southampton Football Club, Kathryn gave top tips for sports facilities considering accessibility. The Muscular Dystrophy UK Trailblazers shared their stories of going to watch their favourite sports teams, and illustrated how many venues could make simple changes that would greatly improve the experience for disabled fans.

CAE has been the leading UK authority on inclusive design for over 40 years. They provide consultancy, training, research and publications on building design and management to meet all user needs, including disabled and older people. They pioneered the provision of access guidance for building designers based on collaborative research with disabled people. CAE is a leader in developing the case for designing for disabled people in the context of mainstream inclusive design.

As the recognised experts in the field they can help organisations meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010, through research, consultancy, training and guidance publications.

The All Party Parliamentary Group specifically noted CAE's work on 'Access for All: Opening Doors’ publication with English Federation of Disability Sport. The guidance, which is free to download, provides quick, low-cost inclusive management solutions that sports venues can implement regardless of size. Heidi Allen MP in particular thought this demonstrated practical and effective action and suggested the guidance be shared widely by the committee and stakeholders present.

CAE’s Director, Jean Hewitt, was the main contributor and author of a 2015 EFDS guide to improve facility access for disabled people. The guide aims to break down one of the main barriers for people with a range of impairments – venue accessibility. This guidance document is available free to download.

Kathryn Aedy said:

“Success stories and challenges raised by young disabled people and panellists made for a constructive discussion about how accessible sports venues can be achieved by all. Beyond improvements to the built environment of venues, it’s important to recognise that many of the best practices shared come down to the people working in them.”

The APPG meeting launched the ‘Move the Goalposts’ report for the Muscular Dystrophy UK’s Trailblazers. You can access any further information here