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Activity Alliance lead disability workshop for Archery GB

Activity Alliance recently delivered an 'Engaging Disabled People in Sport & Physical Activity' workshop for Archery GB, the National Governing Body for archery in Great Britain.

Image shows man in a wheelchair shooting an arrow in archery session

Led by Jess Cook, Activity Alliance Strategic Partnership Advisor, it aimed to help participants reach more people in sport and physical activity through inclusive and accessible practice. The two-hour workshop also covered best communication practices to help everyone in archery feel welcome and supported.

Christine Burdett-Clark attended the course that was run November. Before taking part she was unsure sure what more she could learn as a wheelchair user.  She admitted to being pleasantly surprised, and came away more knowledgeable about making her club more inclusive and accessible.

She said:

"It went so quickly as the content and tutor giving the course made it so stimulating. We learnt about proper communication skills not only spoken but written and what effect this can have on reaching out to the local community.
"Hearing from the other people on the course and their own experiences made situations and challenges easier to understand and put into a real-world situation. I found the course extremely informative and now feel like I have a better understanding of what to do to make things more accessible for people with a wide range of disabilities."

During the course, participants were guided through how to use data and insight to inform decision making. It also covered how to understand the barriers to being physically active for disabled people (including information from during the pandemic).

Christine added:

"The course has really enhanced my knowledge and understanding, and I would recommend everyone signing up, Jess delivered it amazingly, keeping everyone involved.
"Even as a disabled person myself, I have finished the course and feel more aware and even more knowledgeable about how to make our club accessible and help engage and encourage our disabled members at our club."

Other topics covered included :

  • How to apply the Activity Alliance 10 Principles of good engagement and utilise co-production for delivery
  • Understanding how inclusive communications engages more than just disabled people
  • Using appropriate language when discussing or referring to disability
  • Identifying the basic principles of inclusive communication, through online and offline activities
  • Accessing tips on embedding key principles into your own communications strategies and activities

Archery GB have scheduled another course on Thursday, 8 February 2024 from 7pm - 9pm. You can find out more information on the Archery GB website.

To find out our Strategic Advisor in your area visit the Activity Alliance Team page.