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Activity Alliance fundraisers set for London Marathon

On Sunday 21 April a team of fundraisers will take on the TCS London Marathon for Activity Alliance.

Joanna Jones stands with her arms raised.

Running alongside more than 40,000 people each fundraiser will be proudly wearing our organisation’s colours. Every year Activity Alliance offers places for those that would like to take part in the one of the biggest races in the world. 

One person who will be on the start line this year is Joanna Jones. We caught up with her to see how training has been, ask why she decided to run and to hear any tips she had to pass on.

Why are you running for Activity Alliance?

Sport plays an integral part in my life, from being a participant to being a parent of sporty kids to working in sport.  Even more special is being given this opportunity to run for Activity Alliance, a brilliant organisation that provides sporting opportunities for disabled people.

What are you most looking forward to about the London Marathon?

The support of the crowd and especially having my close family and friends supporting me enroute.  I’m actually looking forward to last mile!

How has your training been?

I’ve been running for 25 years but 5 or 10 k, so I only started training seriously for the marathon at 18 weeks. Apart from one week where I fell ill with tonsillitis, so was compromised slightly with training, I have stuck to the plan through dark, windy, wet and cold mornings.
I have had a few ‘niggles’ but I’ve just got to accept its going to hurt, its just how much its going to hurt and how much I can be distracted by the atmosphere on the day.

Is there anything you would say to someone who was interested in running the London Marathon for Activity Alliance? 

I feel so privileged to have gained a place to run for Activity Alliance and I am so glad they have given me the motivation to run my first ever marathon at the age of 49!!
I really want to enjoy Sunday and I am sure I will when it arrives, but I am nervous and unsure of what Sunday will bring. For sure this will be a life changing achievement for me. It’s given me a focus and a goal in my running.

If you are interested in raising money for Activity Alliance find out more on our deidcated fundrasing page. Places for the 2025 TCS London Marathon will be advertised on our website and social media channels soon.

You can watch the London Marathon on BBC 1 from 08:30 on Sunday 21 April.