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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Activity Alliance responds to Government’s proposed welfare reforms

Today, the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced a consultation on reforming the welfare system. Here Activity Alliance outlines its response to the proposals.

Inclusive sitting volleyball session

In response, Sarah Brown-Fraser, Head of Communications and Policy at Activity Alliance said:

“We echo the concerns expressed about the government’s proposed reforms to fit notes and wider welfare support. The narrative around it is harmful and not focused on what support is required or meeting the needs of everyone. In the week we released our manifesto calling upon the next government to put inclusion at its heart, we are disappointed to see the negative portrayal of disabled people and benefit recipients yet again.

The Activity Trap research shows that almost half of disabled people fear losing their benefits if they are seen to be physically active. One of the asks in our manifesto is for the benefits system to provide clearer understanding and wider safeguarding to reassure disabled people that being regularly active will not threaten their benefits and other forms of government financial assistance. That includes in any proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment, Work Capability Assessment, or other benefits.

“Disabled people should be able to enjoy the physical and mental wellbeing benefits that sport and physical activity brings. Yet the kind of language and messages being used by the government may force people further from that, for fear of losing support.

“Without investing in the support to fix the issues and break down the deep-rooted systemic barriers, we will get nowhere in blaming and shaming people.”

You can find more information on these proposals on the government's website.

Our manifesto:

Activity Alliance is passionate about working together with partners to create more meaningful and lasting change for disabled people. Our manifesto outlines our top asks for the next government and policy makers across the country. 

To ensure disabled people have equal access to sport and physical activity, we call upon the next government to:

  1. Protect the benefits.
  2. Equip health and care workers.
  3. Increase accessible outdoor spaces.

By committing to our asks, the next government will make huge strides in creating a fairer country. Policymakers should champion disabled people’s rights to sport and physical activity, and our manifesto is backed by robust evidence and insight to campaign from.

Read the full manifesto on the campaigns section of our website